The 4 Questions To Self-Assess and Check Your Happiness Index


It all comes from the GNH (Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness) in response to the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) being considered as a primary indicator of national well-being and growth.

It has been argued that generally, GDP cannot distinguish when economic activities have a positive or negative impact on well-being (Ovaska & Takashima, 2006). For example, GDP does not take into account the hidden costs of economic development, such as inflation and unemployment, and an overemphasis of GDP diminishes the value of important well-being factors such as natural capital, knowledge, health, and social capital (Frank, 1997; Ovaska & Takashima, 2006).

Measuring happiness, therefore, should not only consider observable objective well-being measures (e.g., health and socioeconomic status), but also subjective well-being measures, such as domain satisfaction and quality of life.

Therefore, as You are the best judge of your own happiness, you may assess your wellness by answering the following simple questions.

The Cantril Ladder

Imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to ten at the top.

The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible.

If the top step is 10 and the bottom step is 0, on which step of the ladder do you feel you personally stand at the present time?

Physical Health

How much of the time during the past week you had a lot of energy?

During Last week, how many hours did you spend on any physical exercise such as swimming, jogging, aerobics, football, tennis, gym, workout?

Answer in

0 (never or very rarely)

1 (rarely)

2 (sometimes)

3 (often)

4 (always or very often)

Time Balance

In a typical week, how much of your time are you able to spend doing the kinds of things that you enjoy?

Answer in

0 (none of my time)

1 (not much of time)

2 (some of my time)

3 (most of my time)

4 (all the time)

Your answers to the above questions will allow you to complete your self check-in. And if your scores shock you, please do not worry- Most of us do not really have time to think about our wellness until it is too late. Now that you know where you stand, it gets easier to tweak and fine-tune some of your life settings!

If you need help- contact us on and we will be more than happy to provide the best services towards achieving your wellness!
