4 Reasons Why You Should Share A Smile


Are we all wearing masks? Notice that a smile shows through even while you have your mask on.

The simple reason is that smile being a universal language involving different facial muscles and eyes, it is one easily recognisable feature of human social behaviour.

1. Smile to stay in good shape!

The act of smiling reduces stress, relieves pain, lowers heart rate and blood pressure.

Smiling uses much facial muscles and is therefore a good exercise as well!

2. Create a Ripple Effect!

In fact, the act of smiling not only releases your own feel good hormones (endorphins) but also affect those in your surroundings.

This is so because our brains perceive smiles as rewards and therefore whenever you share a smile, the other person's endorphins release make that there is a feel-good atmosphere!!

3. Increase Your Endurance!

Perceived effort refers to how hard you feel your body is working, regardless of how hard it might actually be working.

This 'perceived effort' is most important in athletics, exam preparation, or any work putting your body at task.

Smiling can help in decreasing perceived effort and increase your performance!

4. Strengthen Relationships

We heard of the adage that a smile goes a long way. But did we ponder about how exactly it can help in both our personal and professional lives?

In  fact, those who express positive emotions and who are generally happy are more likely to achieve goals at work and in their everyday lives.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that positive expressions like smiling predicted more favourable outcomes in life such as personal wellbeing, successful marriages, and life satisfaction.

So share a smile today, enjoy a good company, and live up the holiday spirit while carefully observing all sanitary measures with good mood.
