Yoga During Lockdown

Over the years, Yoga has been recognised throughout the world as a form of physical activity and many people take it as a fitness regime- depending on one's individual lifestyle, yoga is either paired with meditation or pilates in practice.

And after March 2020, when the world went into work-from-home, stay-at-home practice, for many people experiencing stress from pandemic fatigue, work or life problems in general, yoga became THE solution.

The posture or asanas of yoga help to reduce muscle tension, joint issues and regulate our breath, all resulting in a relaxed mind.

In fact, there are a lot of yoga poses which help us to manage our blood pressure level and anxiety.

During Lockdown, taking yoga classes in your own personal wellness corner at home is the best you could ever want!!

1 Basic to Try


12-step routine which starts with the hands together in front of the chest in a prayer position, followed by raising both arms in an upward salute, moving gracefully down for a forward bend, followed by inhalation and entering a half-standing forward bend.

The next step is to get into the plank pose and steadily lower down into a low pushup. Now, pushing the toes on the mat curl into the upward dog pose which is followed by the downward dog pose to return to the opening pose.

A single round of Surya Namaskar is incomplete unless the same poses are repeated in the opposite direction. 
